Hi, I'm Seana! A natural light family portrait and wedding photographer based in Aldie, Virginia. Please enjoy viewing some of my latest work and getting to know me through my writing and photographs.
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Winter River Family Session | Potomac River | Great Falls, MD Take a look at this gorgeous winter river family session at Great Falls! I always get so excited to see this sweet family. I met Brianna when she was pregnant, we took maternity photos in Old Town and I heard all about their story […]
At-Home Newborn | Baby Emy | Richmond, Virginia She’s here! We waited so long and she’s finally here! My sister and her husband welcomed their baby girl, Emery (Emy) earlier this Fall, and made me an aunt for the first time. She is also the first granddaughter on our side of the family. So special […]
Fall Family Session | Rust Manor House | Leesburg, Virginia I met this sweet family for Leesburg Fall family portraits at Rust Manor House this past November. It had been a few years since I had last seen them, and it always blows my mind how much kids grow in that timespan…they each grew at […]
The Camino | Spain Backpacking Trip | Aug-Sept 2019 I can’t believe we are a day out from our trip! As many of you know, Terry (my mother-in-law), Rachel (my sister) and I will be completing the Camino, a 550+ mile backpacking journey across Spain, starting tomorrow. Tomorrow! What! This trip has been […]
Bethany Beach | Summer 2018 | Personal Photos When we have Fridays off work in the summer, Brian & I usually visit his parents in Bethany Beach for a quick weekend getaway. We have it down to a science – I typically leave that afternoon with the dog and stop at our favorite dog […]
Onto the next adventure! This man motivates me. Along with being a loving husband and dog parent, he is back in school, training for a marathon, temporarily juggling two positions at work…and still finding time to clean the dishes. Rockstar. As he begins transitioning his commute from DC to Baltimore this week, we are packing […]
Big news for Seana McCroddan Photography! I am excited to announce that I will be relocating to Colorado Springs, CO starting in August! I am sad to be leaving behind the wonderful clients and friends I have met this year through photo, but I am also looking forward to what lies ahead out there for […]
After college graduation, Brian and I went on a camping trip up the coast. We started in Northern Virginia and ended in Portland, Maine. We stayed in Cape Cod and Boston on our way up and had our fill of campfires, chowder, lobster, moose and sightseeing. He surprised me this Christmas with a plan to do the opposite […]
Sarah – one of my good friends and roommate all four years in college – has always had a dream to teach English to students while living in France. I told her if the day ever came, I would be over there to visit her in a second. Well, that day did come, and I booked my flight […]